Module 3

3. ENGAGE idea development  

Subjects Natural and social sciences, art, languages, history and math. 
TopicsWorkshop and group work, engaging with stakeholders and  development of selected project ideas


This module includes the organization of an  idea workshop, where pupils learn to listen to and evaluate all individually developed  ideas as well as organize a voting between presented  projects/ideas. This process provides preparation for presenting selected ideas to municipalities’ for their decision making processes.

Descriptors for this module’s learning outcomes

participants shall have obtained knowledge on:
  • different challenges in the community, where they live
  • democracy rules and public participation in decision making
  • group dynamics and team working
participants will acquire skills in:
  • Performing skills in presenting their project idea
  • Critical thinking and justification
  • Active listening and critical feedback
  • Cooperation and team working skills 
  • IT and multimedia approaches to data gathering
participant competences in applying their knowledge and skills to:
  • Debate and justifying  the recommendations they make
  • Work in a team on developing ideas/projects that aim at solving a community issue or a challenge
  • Use different IT and multimedia skills in data gathering and presentation of ideas

Module lesson plans and worksheets